RFID cards types are classified primarily by the frequency at which they operate.

RFID Card Types with Based on Frequency:

  • Low Frequency (LF) RFID:

    • These cards Operate at 125 kHz.
    • Short read range (a few centimeters).
    • These are used for basic access control, animal identification, and proximity cards.
    • Examples of these cards are HID Prox, Indala Prox.
  • High Frequency (HF) RFID:

    • Operates at 13.56 MHz.
    • Longer read range (up to 10 cm).
    • Used for contactless payments, access control, and data exchange.
    • Examples: MIFARE, ISO 14443 Type A and Type B.
  • Ultra-High Frequency (UHF) RFID:

    • Operates at 860-960 MHz.
    • Long read range (several meters).
    • Used for supply chain management, inventory tracking, and asset management.
    • Examples: EPC Gen2, RAIN RFID.

Based on Power Source:

  • Passive RFID: Derives power from the reader’s signal, making them smaller and cheaper but with shorter read ranges.
  • Active RFID: Contains a battery, enabling longer read ranges and more complex applications.
  • Semi-passive RFID: Combines features of both passive and active tags.

Other Types of RFID Cards:

  • Smart Cards: Combine RFID technology with integrated circuits for enhanced security and data storage.
  • Dual-Frequency Cards: Operate at multiple frequencies for added versatility.

The choice of RFID card type depends on the specific application and required features.


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