How does a card printer work?
Inkjet plastic card printer work by spraying a very tiny droplets of ink onto the surface of blank plastic card. The solvent of the ink is vaporized when it hits the surface of the card, and only a hard, durable layer remains.
The speed of the process means that the ink dries almost instantly.
- Its a very easy to Install Ink
- Full Card Coverage
- User Friendly
” It is an ideal for smaller businesses that require ease of use, without access control and holographic overlays, but require a higher quality image. “
Card Printer
- To get the best from your plastic card printer, follow these steps. They will ensure that your design and print process are well matched:
- Produce your artwork in the CMYK color mode.
- Ensure that all photos and graphics that are printed on your cards are high resolution.
- Always use block colors where it possible, rather than gradients and faded colors, and also ensure that the print is bold and vivid.