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hdp6600 Error 501

hdp6600 Error 501

HDP6600 error 501 is based on the information available and strongly associated with issues related to the printer’s transfer film. Here’s a breakdown:

Key Points:

  1. Film-Related Issue:
    • Errors 500 and 501 on the HDP6600 are often directly linked to problems with the transfer film.
    • Specifically, these errors can occur when the film is not properly positioned on the spool.
  2. Sensor Problems:
    • The printer uses sensors to detect the film’s position. If the film is misaligned, the sensors cannot accurately read it, resulting in the error.
    • This misalignment can happen due to damage during transit or improper film loading.
  3. Troubleshooting:
    • Film Inspection:
      • Carefully inspect the transfer film spool to ensure the film is centered and properly aligned.
      • Look for any signs of damage or tears in the film.
    • Sensor Calibration:
      • It is possible that the film sensors need to be calibrated. There are videos available online showing how to preform this task.
    • Replacement:
      • If the film is damaged or cannot be properly aligned, it may need to be replaced.
    • HID Support:
      • If the problem persists, contacting HID Global (FARGO) technical support is recommended. They can provide expert assistance and guidance.


The error 501 on the FARGO HDP6600 typically points to a problem with the transfer film’s positioning, which disrupts the printer’s sensors. Therefore, careful film inspection and potential replacement are crucial troubleshooting steps.

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