HDP5000 Printer for PVC Cards online

To purchase an HID FARGO HDP5000 card printer online in Pakistan, you can explore these platforms:

1. Local Online Marketplaces:

  • fargoprinters.com: A popular online marketplace in Pakistan where you might find used or refurbished HDP5000 printers.
  • itsrfid.com.pk: Another platform to check for listings of new or used printers and online printing for PVC cards online.

2. Authorized HID Fargo Dealers Online:

  • Ahmed’s Intech Solutions is authorized dealers of HID FARGO products in Pakistan. The HDP5000 card printer is best for printing of PVC cards.

3. International Online Retailers:

  • While prices might be higher due to shipping and import duties, you can check international online retailers like Amazon or eBay for potential listings.
HID FARGO HDP5000 Card Printer


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